Quit Smoking or Using Other Tobacco for the Holidays

With Christmas approaching, and the COVID-19 pandemic making it more important to stay healthy, you may want to make a resolution for a healthier life for you and your family.
If you want to quit smoking or using other tobacco products and tried in the past, don’t give up. Many users say quitting is the hardest thing they’ve done. Help is available, so keep trying!
The Massachusetts Smokers’ Helpline at 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669) is available for free coaching 24 hours each day, seven days a week (except Christmas) to support you through quitting. In addition, now you can enroll online through makesmokinghistory.org. Online supports include quit planning tools, peer support and motivational text messages. Also, new this year, the Massachusetts Smokers’ Helpline is offering up to $50 in gift cards to Massachusetts residents who use menthol tobacco products and participate in coaching services!
For more information, visit makesmokinghistory.org or call Ashley Hall at (978) 722-2864. Make the choice to quit today, making the holidays and New Year tobacco free.