No Menthol. Know Why.

Starting June 1st, 2020 menthol cigarettes and all other flavored tobacco and flavored vaping products will no longer be widely available in Massachusetts. For years, the tobacco and vaping companies have intentionally and continuously risked health for profit by targeting youth, communities of color, and LGBTQ communities with their deadly products. They flavor menthol cigarettes to make them easier to start and harder to quit. They make menthol products cheaper in neighborhoods of color to get people hooked. They put more menthol ads and displays in Black and Latinx communities. And they target LGBTQ+ communities through ads with phrases like “take pride in your flavor.”
Massachusetts updated its tobacco laws because we want all people to have a fair chance to be healthy and to thrive.
No Menthol Know Why is a campaign aiming to raise awareness in Black, Latinx and LGBTQ+ communities about why this law matters for racial and health equity and provide information about the resources available to help people quit smoking. Our partners include community-based organizations, youth advocates, public health and health care partners, local health departments, churches, regional Tobacco-Free Community Partnership programs, and others.
Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for FREE, 24/7 support for quitting tobacco and vaping. Visit to learn more and share your menthol story.
Contact Ashley Hall at the Northeast Tobacco-Free Community Partnership, or (978) 799-8643 to learn more about the law, how you can support people in quitting and to find out how you can partner with the program.